Providing resources to your fundraisers can not only help them achieve their fundraising goals but also help you communicate key campaign information quickly and easily.
Resources such as Fundraising Tips, Important Event Info, Training Guides and Fundraising Guidelines can all be uploaded to your fundraisers' pages as either PDF downloads or publicly accessible URLs such as a webpage.
Once uploaded, you can either share the resources with your fundraisers via an auto-generated URL or tell them to click the Fundraising resources button when they are logged in to their Grassrootz fundraising page. In either case, only logged-in fundraisers will be able to view your resources.
This Grassrootz feature is turned off by default and will need to be switched on during the campaign creation or editing process.
How to add resources to fundraising pages
Step 1
To be able to upload Fundraiser Resources, you will need to log in to your Grassrootz account and either start creating a new campaign or edit an existing one. Navigate to the Fundraising tab on the left-hand side and tick the checkbox next to Enable downloadable resources to appear on each fundraiser page.
Step 2
Once this checkbox is ticked, a new Fundraising Resources tab will appear on the left-hand side. Click on this new tab to view where to upload and configure your fundraising resources.
Step 3
To add a resource, select Add New and choose either Upload file or Add external link. Choosing the 'Upload file' option will mean your PDF will be hosted on Grassrootz, compared to the 'Add external link' option which can link to any existing website or external URL.
Step 4
Select how the resource should be viewed by choosing either the Open in new browser tab or Download to device option (we recommend the 'Download to device' option for PDFs). Then, give your resource a name and description. These will be visible to the fundraiser so make sure they accurately represent what the resource is.
Step 5
The Resources Page looks best if you upload a thumbnail for each resource. This could be an icon or graphic and can be uploaded in either JPG, JPEG or PNG format.
Step 6
Once you’re happy with your thumbnail and description, make sure to save your changes. When you click save for the first time a Fundraising Resources Hub URL will be automatically created. This URL can be shared directly with your fundraisers but is not required. Your fundraisers will be able to view all uploaded resources when they are logged in to their Grassrootz page via the Fundraising Resources button.
Below is a great example of how the Resources Page appears to logged-in fundraisers (Image courtesy of an Inspired Adventures and OzHarvest campaign)
If you have any questions about this feature, contact us at
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